GDPR Policy

A. Introduction

1. The privacy of those who use our website is extremely important to us at Plastic4trade, and we are devoted to protecting it. This policy outlines the manner in which we will use your personal data.

2. The sole purpose of Plastic4trade or P4T is to help the people buy, sell, communicate only for plastic related purpose through website. 

3. You grant us permission to use cookies and cache each time you visit our website if you agree to their usage in line with the terms of this policy when you first visit.

B. Collecting personal information

We believe that keeping lines of communication open with our users is essential. Personal data from the following categories may be gathered, stored, and used:

1. Information pertaining to your computer, such as the kind and version of your browser, your IP address, and your location;

2. Information pertaining to your usage of our website, such as frequency of visits, average time spent there, number of pages viewed, and methods of navigation;

3. Information you provide when registering on our website, like your email address;

4. Data you voluntarily provide to us when you create an account on our website, including your name, profile photo, gender, birthday, relationship status, interests and hobbies, educational background, employment information, and any other data requested;

5. Information you provide us with when you subscribe to our emails or newsletters, such as your name and email address;

6. Information you give us when utilizing our services;

7. Information created when using our website, such as when, how frequently, and under what conditions you use it;

8. Information about any purchases, transactions, or services you make on our website, including your name, postal address, contact information (phone, email, etc.), and credit card information;

9. Information you enter on the website of Plastic4trade with the goal to publish it online, like your username, profile picture, and posts;

10. Information from emails or online messages you send to us, including their content and metadata;

11. Any other personal information you submit us.

Before providing us with another person's personal information, you must get that person's permission to disclose and use such information in the ways described in this policy.
Also, Plastic4trade is never responsible for any dispute that you are involved in with the other party you through Plastic4trade. It is not our responsibility if the person you met through our website sues you or you sue them for some fraud or any other.
The only purpose of Plastic4trade platform is to help people find the buyers and sellers through plastic4trade.


C. Using your personal information

Any private data you give Plastic4trade via our website will be used in a manner consistent with this policy and any relevant website pages. We may use your personal data for various reasons. Here are the reasons why we may use your personal information when you use our website or register yourself with us: 

1. Operating our company and website; 

2. Customizing it for you;

3. Making it possible for you to enjoy the services we provide on the website;

4. Delivering the products and services you've ordered online from us; 

5. Reminding you to make payments; 

6. Sending you non-marketing commercial communications; and 

7. sending you email notifications when specific events take place.

8. Sending you marketing material about our company or carefully chosen third parties' businesses that we think you might find interesting via postal mail, email, or other analogous technologies;

9. Added uses.


Any personal information you provide us with for publication on our website will be used only with your consent. All of the information is used primarily to enhance your experience, allowing you to interact with people of plastic industry and quickly launch or grow your own business.

We believe it is entirely up to you whether or not to reveal your information, thus we provide you the freedom to modify as necessary. The website's privacy controls allow you to change your privacy preferences and limit how publicly your information is displayed on our website.

Without your express consent, no third party will get your personal information for their or another party's direct marketing purposes.


D. Revealing personal information

If it is deemed reasonably necessary for the purposes outlined in this policy, Plastic4trade may share your personal information to any of our employees, officers, insurers, professional advisers, agents, suppliers, or subcontractors who are the part of Plastic4trade.

If it is found to be reasonably necessary for the reasons outlined in this policy, we may release your personal information to any company within our group (including our Plastic traders, buyers or sellers you are trying to get in touch with, since this is the main purpose of our website).

We reserve the right to disclose the following details if required to do so by law:

1. If required to do so by law; 

2. If required to do so by law in conjunction with any current or pending judicial proceedings;

3. To establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights (including disclosing information to third parties in order to prevent fraud and lower credit risk), or to intervene in an investigation.

4. To any person who we reasonably believe may apply to a court or other competent authority for disclosure of that personal information where, in our reasonable opinion, such court or authority would be reasonably likely to order disclosure of that personal information.

5. To the purchaser (or potential purchaser) of any business or asset we are selling or are thinking about selling.

Plastic4trade won't share your personal information with other parties unless clearly indicated in this policy.


E. Safety measures of your personal information

We aim to keep your data safe and secure with us. Please read the following points to know how we will safeguard your data to keep you away from frauds, hacks and other reasons;

1. To avoid the loss, abuse, or alteration of your personal information, we shall put in place appropriate organizational and technical security measures.

2. All of the private data you give us will be kept on our secure (firewall- and password-protected) servers.

3. Thanks to the use of encryption technology, all electronic financial transactions made through our website will be secure.

4. You agree that it is impossible to guarantee the security of data sent over the internet because it is inherently vulnerable.

5. It is your duty to keep the password you use to access our website secure; we will never ask you for it (except when you log in to our website).

F. Modification in GDPR Policy

This policy may occasionally be updated, at which point it will be posted online. To be informed of changes to our policy, you should often visit this page. If this policy changes, we may let you know via email or using our website's private messaging feature. You must, however, continually review the GDPR policy and keep up with any updates to it or other Plastic4trade changes.

G. Your Rights

You have the right to request access to any personal information we may have on you. To the extent allowed by law, we may refuse to provide you with the personal information you've requested.

You can request at any time that we stop using your personal data for marketing purposes. In most cases, you will have the option of either being given the chance to decide for yourself whether or not we may use your personal information for marketing purposes, or you may explicitly consent in advance.

H. Information updating

Please let us know if there are any modifications that need to be made to the personal data we presently have on file for you.

I. Contact us 

If you have any questions or concerns concerning Plastic4trade's GDPR policy, please don't hesitate to contact us. On our website, you can find the contact information.
